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Frequently Asked Questions

1)       Is it possible to recover the previous data of a company, in case of customer messing up the data?


We do perform daily backup of the data. If needed, previous data pertaining to the company can be restored and it will be charged separately.


2)       Will the infrastructure be able to handle the volume, performance expectations?


Our current architecture supports the ability to create multiple databases across multiple servers and thereby allows us to balance loads. Our application is hosted at dynamically expandable server with a high-performing scalable infrastructure.


3)       What is the security mechanism that EasyCommission follows?


Server: The credentials are all encrypted using advanced encryption techniques. The databases are also protected by additional security mechanisms.

Application: The passwords are all encrypted throughout the system. As the application is built on SAAS, all SAAS related security features will get automatically imposed.

For every user, one role is assigned and for every role, the object/table level security can be set. This implies that, the read/write access for the data can be set by the administrator as needed for every object/table. Moreover, the access for the records can be even set based on the owner of the record.


4)       What do you mean by Advertising Opt-in?


We use ad revenue to pay for the resources necessary to support the conomy use of the software. Advertising normally consists of advertising within the application. We expect to display a banner ad at the top and ads on the right side of the screen. There may be an initial ad presented as part of the sign-on. The Regular version will not display any such advertising.


5)       How do we inform the Rep about his/her login credentials?


Login credentials for a Rep can be informed by editing the relevant Rep details and clicking on to Notify button. This action will send a system-generated password to the Rep?s login id (Email id).


6)       Is Rep information secured?


Yes, logged in Rep have access only to his/her relevant statement, dashboard and Report.


7)       What is a sales credit?


Sales crediting is a process to determine who gets credit for a particular sale and how much of the sale that person gets a credit for. Sales amount is normally credited to a single sales rep. Sometimes gross profit, number of units or other measures are used. Sales can also be split to multiple reps as well as provided as overrides to managers and others.


8)       What is the difference between a Commission Plan and a Commission Formula?


 Commission Plan primarily determines which of the transactions belong to which Rep. This is also called ?crediting the sale?. They also determine which commission rate calculation (Commission Formula), should be applied to which set of transactions. For example, Commission Plan can say ?All transactions for customer ?ABCL? belongs to ?Andy Rep? and these transactions will be paid at ?Flat 8%?.

Commission Formula is a mathematical expression specifying the commission rate to be used. For example, for Flat 8% set the

In Commission rate section, commission flat amount as ?8? and

Commission amount as ?sales_amount*commission_rate/100?

Similarly for Threshold Rate 5% or 8% = If Sales Amount less than <10,000, commission rate is 5%. If not then the commission rate is 8%


9)       How do I set a unique commission rate by product?


Create a unique Commission Formula per product. E.g. ?Widgets ? 5%?; ?Bolts ? 6%?

Then select transactions with that product using the Commission Plan and associate the unique formula to the unique product.



10)   How can I calculate commissions based on Gross profit?


To calculate commission based on gross profit, use the formula variable ?Gross Profit? in commission formula; for example, create a commission formula, say ?Gross Profit ? 10%? with

-          Commission rate as ?10?

-          Commission amount as ?gross_profit * commission_rate/100?


Set the crediting part of commission rule to use value from Gross Profit, for example,

Any sale of product ?Bolts? to customer ?ABCL?, credit 100% of ?Gross Profit?.



11)   What sort of data and functionality access does a Rep have?


Rep has rights to

-          View his/her commission statement and dashboard

-          Access the existing transactions, existing master data like customer, 

product, and opportunity, owned by the Rep

-          Change his/her password


12)   What sort of data and functionality access does an Admin have?


By default, EasyCommission administrator has rights to access all the pages. Admin can

-          Create Reps/users, assign roles to the user and send Reps their login


-          Manage master data like Customer, Product, and Opportunity

-          Setup Commission Plan, run calculation process to determine commission amount

-          View statements of all Reps


13)   What sort of data and functionality access does a Manager have? Can I set up access for a Manager so that they can review all their Rep information only?


By default, Manager does not have any separate access rights. But a separate role and access rights can be created for the Manager [available only in Regular Edition]. Currently Manager has access to all data in any tables he/she has access to.


14)   How does a Rep report a sale?


Rep can be given access to directly enter the sale OR Rep can send sales detail to the person responsible for commission calculation (compensation administrator) to record his/her sale.


15)   How do I set up a formula so that my manager gets an override of 1% on all sales?


To make the manager get an override of 1% on all sales, commission formula specifying the 1% rate has to set first. For example, in commission formula, assume ?1% rate? as formula name, set

Commission rate to 1   and

Commission amount to sales_amount*commission_rate/100.


Now in commission rule, say ?Manager Override 1%? as rule name, assume ?Smith, as Manager, Set the condition, ?Smith gets 1% override on sale made by his subordinates ?Randy? or ?Brandy?? as shown below.


Here, manager ?Smith? gets the override for sale made by two of his subordinates ?Randy?, ?Brandy?. Similar rule has to be set for rest of the subordinates in order to make a manager override of 1% on all sale.


16)   I have recurring revenue that repeats every month. Do you have to re-enter the transaction every month?


Yes, the transactions responsible for recurring revenue have to be entered every month.


17)   Do we need to do anything special or doing the period end for the last period would trigger year end as well?


Currently application will not trigger year end automatically on last period close. Year End button will get enabled only at the last period of the commission year, a period close on last period and clicking on ?Year End? button after selecting ?Tasks -> Year End? will initiate the year end process.


18)   How does the year end happen in EC?


First Day of Commission Year can be changed if needed. Year End process will either purge or move the

 Closed Transactions ? Transactions with status equal to Closed

 Paid Transactions ? Transactions that are paid with status equal to Paid

 Unpaid transactions ? Transactions with status not equal to Closed 

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frequently_asked_questions.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/16 22:55 (external edit)