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Year End Process

Year End must be executed at the last period of a Commission Year. This process will set new Commission Schedule. Year End button that initiates the year-end process gets enabled only at the last period of the commission year. You must do a Period Close prior to a year end. Once the year is closed, you cannot go back and reprocess your compensation for that year.

Year End Fields

Here is a description of the Year End standard fields. Some of these fields may not be editable depending on your page layout.



Commission Year

Next financial year for new Commission Schedule.

First Day of Commission Year

Period start date for the new Commission Schedule.


Payout frequency for new Commission Schedule.

Closed Transaction  

Checkbox to mark whether current year's closed transaction has to move to the next commission year or not.

Paid Transaction  

Checkbox to mark whether current year's paid transaction has to move to the next commission year or not.

UnPaid Transaction

Checkbox to mark whether current year's unpaid transaction has to move to the next commission year or not.

Performing Year End Process

The user can perform year end at the last period of a Commission Year and the purge option should be selected in this page. For example, to perform year end process,  follow the steps given below:        

  1. Click Tasks menu ? Year End sub menu item. The "Year End" page opens.

  1. Commission Year will be default to next year and the Frequency will remain same. These two fields are non editable. To change the first day of next commission year, select the start date from the First Day of Commission Year picker.
  2. Select the Closed, Paid, and Unpaid Transactions check boxes, to purge all the current year's closed, paid and unpaid transactions in the Purge Options section. In order to move it to next year, uncheck all.
  3. Click on Year End button to close the Commission Year and creates new Commission Schedule for the next Commission Year. This button will be active only when the frequency reaches the last period of the Commission Year.

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year_end_process.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/16 22:55 (external edit)