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The terms and its descriptions are depicted below:




Helps to view the Sales Rep's commission details for different period. Reps can view only their statements.


Transactions are the sales orders or invoices that commissions will be paid against.


Reps are the people who get commissions paid.


Customers purchase goods and services from the organization.


Product refers to products/services sold to the customer.


A lead is a prospect or potential opportunity.


A vendor is typically an organization or individual that supplies goods or services.


Opportunities are potential deals that you have with your customer. When you successfully acquire the deal, you can 'Close' the opportunity.


Contact holds information on the contacts within a customer.


Company holds the company details that are provided during sign up.

Commission Schedule

Commission Schedule allows the setup of the payment calendar for commissions.


Groups are a way to classify transactions for reporting or calculations.

Calculate Commissions

Calculate Commissions applies the plans set against transactions and figures out all the commissions.

Close Period

Close period process allows marking the paid transactions, to avoid duplicate commissions.

Year End

 Allows the setup of new commission schedule and moving to a new year

Approve Workflow

Approve workflow contains data that requires action such as Approve or Reject or Close to be performed on Workflow.


Plan is used to say which transactions should be credited for which Rep and what commissions are to be calculated.

Commission Formula

Commission formula is used to calculate commission payouts.


Queries allow to get the data from a table or more than one table. It will be used mainly for generating reports.


Represents the attainment of all Reps against credits and transactions in Pie, Doughnut, Bar and List chart for the current Year.

Change Password

Allows to change the existing password for logged in user.


Import allows bringing in master data like transactions, customer from other source file. Currently it allows the import of transactions from Excel file.  

Report Designer

Allows the user to generate Reports using query or object details.

Page Designer

Allows the user to create a page, controls for the page and assign events to the page.

Menu Designer

Allows the user to create menu for the page created using page designer.

Workflow Designer

Allows to set criteria that initiates workitem/data, set rules that defines the flow of workitem/data for the process of Approval or Rejection.

User Setup

Provides the admin user to create a new user details pertaining to application like user id, password, setting home page.

Role Setup

Provides rights to access the page, object, and menu for the user.

Lookup Relations

Provides relationship between the objects. i.e., to create a picklist that allows an object data to be used in another object.

Format Masks

Provides the user to set how data for a particular field should be. For example, email address field can be set to "Email" format

Organisation Structure

Provides the user to set hierarchy with in the organization.


Provides the user to set the currency code and the currency rate for the application.

System Variables

Predefined variables that can be used throughout the EasyCommission application. For example, date, name of the organization, and the user.

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glossary.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/16 22:55 (external edit)