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Organisation Structure

Note: Available only in Regular edition

Organisation Structure has the information about who reports to whom. This page creates and maintains the hierarchical structure of an Organisation or Employee Reporting Hierarchy.. The Organisation Structure page  lets you quickly create, and view the structure information. In addition, this page lets you edit, delete, and copy the structure information. You can also sort and filter titles using standard and custom list views provided below of the Title in a page.

You can click Options ? Organisation Structure menu item to display the "Organisation Structure" page. This page will list all the Title, Links to Edit, Delete, Copy option.

Creating a New Title

This menu is used for creating a new title for the Organisation Structure with the details such as Title, and Reporting Title. Follow the steps to add new title" Sales Rep".

  1. Click Configure ? Organisation Structure menu item. The "Organisation Structure" list page displays.

  1. Click on Add New button to create a new title. The "Organisation Structure - Add" detail page displays.

  1. Type the name of the title in the Title text box. For example, type the name as "Sales Rep".
  2. Select the higher level (direct superior - to whom the user reports) in the Reporting Title drop-down. For example, select the higher level as "Sales Manager".
  3. Select the Owner of the record. Typically Owner will be any of the user id. By default, Owner will have access to this record.
  4. Click the Add button to add new title on the same page, which is provided at the top right of the "Organisation Structure -Add" page.
  5. Click Remove provided at the end of each structure attributes section to remove the added details.TEXT-ALIGN: justify; tab-stops: list .5in; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo1">Click Save to save the added title details or click Save & Next to save the current and create another title.


  • To update an Organisation Structure details, click Edit  icon, and then change the fields you want to update.
  • To copy the Organisation Structure details from an existing data, click Copy  icon.
  • To delete an Organisation Structure detail, click Delete  icon provided on the list page.
  • To view the particular Organisation Structure detail, click on the required Title link. For example, to view the particular Organisation Structure, click the query name "Sales Rep".
  • To sort the column alphabetically/ascending order, click on the required column header and click the column heading a second time, to reverse the sort order.

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organisation_structure.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/16 22:55 (external edit)