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User Setup

Note: Available in all Editions

User Setup allows the user with administrator rights to create new users with user information like First Name, Last Name, User Role, Title and Reporting to. The administrator can also reset the password for an existing user and edit the user's information.

The User Setup menu displays a page that lets you quickly create, and view the Users information. You can also change the order of information[sort the information] that displays in list mode of the page by just clicking on to the column Header like 'first name' and filter particular user information using quick search that are available as drop down just below the page header. In addition, this page lets you copy, and delete, edit the Users information.

You can click Configure ? User Setup menu item to display the "User Setup" page. This page will list all the User ID, First Name, Last Name, Links to Edit, Copy, Delete option.


Creating a New User detail

This page is used for creating a new user detail. Here, User ID, First Name, Last name, Reporting To, User Role, and Title fields are required to create a new user. You have to follow the steps given below to add new user" BarbMistal" with the Title "Sales Rep".

  1. Click Configure ? User Setup menu item. The "User Setup" list page displays.

  1. Click on Add New button to create a new User profile. The "Users - Add" detail page displays.

  1. Type the valid email id of the user in the User ID text box. For example, type the id as "".
  2. Type the first name of the user in the First Name text box. For example, type the first name as "Barb".
  3. If the user has the middle initial, type the Mid Initial in the text box provided.
  4. Type the last name of the user in the Last Name text box. For example, type the last name as "Mistal".
  5. Select the Country of the user from the drop-down. For example, select the country for the financial controller as "United States of America".
  6. Select the page to set as the Home page for the particular user from the Home Page Menu drop-down. For example, select the home page as "Instructions".
  7. Select the question from the Hint Question drop-down and select the answer for the related question from the Hint Answer drop-down. These question and answer will be used for retrieving the password. For example, select the Hint Question as" What is your favorite sports team?" and type the appropriate Hint Answer as "Hockey".
  8. Select the appropriate time zone for the user's location from the Time Zone drop-down. For example, select the time zone as" Pacific Standard Time (America/Los_Angeles)".
  9. Select the Currency from the drop-down. For example, select the currency as "US Dollars".
  10. Select the User's Title drop-down. For example, select the title as "Sales Rep" from the drop-down.
  11. Select the name of the person (to whom the user reports) from the Reporting To drop-down. For example, select the reporting to person as "" from the drop-down.
  12. Select the background color of the application for the user from the Theme drop-down. For example, select the theme as "Light Green".
  13. Select the option either as "All Records" or "My Record" from the Custodian Filter drop-down.
    • If you select "All Records", it will display the records of all the user.
    • If you select the option as "My Records", it will display only the records created by the user.

For example, select the custodian filter as" My Records" to display only the "Bmistal" records..

  1. Select the role of the user from the User Role drop-down. For example, select the Role as"Rep: access rights".
  2. Select the Active check box whether the user is involved in this business process.
  3. Type the Email Address of the
  4. select the name of the page in the Home page menu drop down. By default this page set as a Home page.
  5. Select the name of the Dashboard to which Role users can see this Default Dashboard.
  6. Type the login password in the Password text box. For example, types the password as "bmistal".
  7. Select the Owner of the record. Typically Owner will be any of the user id. By default, Owner will have access to this record.
  8. Click Save to save the added User details or click Save & Next to save the user details and opens a new Users page to enter new user details.


  • To update a user details, click Edit  icon, and then change the fields you want to update. While editing a user details, mouse hover the Reset Password button to assign new password to the respective user.
  • To copy the user details from an existing data, click Copy icon.
  • To delete a user detail, click Delete icon provided on the list page.
  • To view the particular user detail, click on the required User ID link.
  • To sort the column alphabetically/ascending order, click on the required column header and click the column heading a second time, to reverse the sort order.

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user_setup.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/16 22:55 (external edit)